New York Gaming Commission Approves Mobile Sports Betting Regulations

This past Monday, August 16, the New York Gaming Commission unanimously approved a final set of mobile sports betting regulations. The regulations address, among other things, employee and vendor licensing requirements; compliance and reporting obligations; internal control standards; and mobile betting system requirements. The full sports betting regulations are available for review on the Commission’s website.

As we reported previously, the Commission will only issue licenses to 2 online/mobile betting operators. Earlier this summer, the Commission initiated a competitive bidding process to select the state’s two licensees. Although New York’s mobile betting law gives the Commission until January 6, 2022 to make its selections, the Commission indicated in its Request for Applications that it intends to announce the state’s two licensees by December 6, 2021.

State officials have expressed optimism that mobile betting will officially go “live” in New York sometime during Q1 2022.

We will continue to monitor New York’s licensing process and provide updates on any significant developments.